Step-By-Step Guide to Applying For a Tanzanian Tourist VISA

Before you start, what do you need?

  • A passport that is valid AT LEAST 6 MONTHS beyond the end of your stay in Tanzania
  • A scanned copy of the ID page of that passport
  • A PDF file of your return ticket
  • Visa or Mastercard to pay the fee.

NOTE: This guide walks through the process for citizens of the United States of America. If you are a citizen of another country, it will be similar with some slight changes.

How Long is A Tanzanian Tourist Visa Good For?

Americans must apply for the Multiple-Entry Visa - which is good for 12 months from the date of approval and allows for 3 months of stay in the country.

How Much Does A Tanzanian Tourist Visa Cost?

The Multiple-Entry Visa that citizens of The United States must apply for costs $100 per person.

How Long Does It Take To Be Granted A Tanzanian Tourist Visa?

The eVisa system usually takes around 10 days to process applications. We recommend applying 6-8 weeks in advance of your trip to be safe though.


Step 1: Go to the Official E-Visa Application Site

Step 2: Select "New Application"

Step 2: Enter Basic Information & Start New Application

Step 3: Enter Personal Information

Step 4: Enter Contact, Address, & Employment Information

Step 5: Enter Passport Information

*The "Place of Issue" is the "Authority" on the lower right corner of your passport information page. It will typically be "United States"

Step 6: Enter Travel Information

- Select "Multiple Entry Visa"

- If you live in the United States, Washington DC is the nearest Embassy to handle your application

- Select "Leisure & Holiday" as your reason for travel

- Unless visiting Zanzibar as your first destination, choose "Tanzania Mainland" as your destination.

- Ports of entry are the airport you will enter the country at. Usually it will be Kilimanjaro.

- Select "Company/Organization" as your Host

- We will serve as your host - enter the information as written above

- Add the address of whichever lodge is the first stop on your itinerary as your accommodation physical address.

- Add countries you have resided in only if you have permanently lived outside of the United States.

Step 7: Enter Travel Information

- Unless you've arranged something outside of our tour, you are NOT traveling as part of a group or organization.

- Add the names of any travelers under 18 who will be traveling with you. Kids still need their own VISAs unless they are included on their parent or guardian's passport.

Step 8: Upload all documents

Step 9: Read Through & Sign Declaration

Step 10: Pay via Credit Card or Bank Deposit

Step 11: Repeat Application For Each Traveler & Print Off Granted VISAs to Bring